IISL Leaf Detect

by InTime Information Systems Pvt Ltd


5.49 usd

This App has three level of detection of Healthy plant Leaf recognition , Infected Plant Leaf and Infected Plant Disease Name using the standalone deep learning model.we are making efforts to optimise model & inclusion of new leafs and its disease info in every next release.A. It can detect 31 type of plant disease of plant Potato, tomato and CornPotato_healthyInfected_Potato_Early_blightPotato_Early_blight_SpotInfected_Potato_Late_blightPotato_Late_blightTomato_healthyInfected_Tomato_Septoria_spotTomato_Septoria_spotInfected_Tomato_Spider_mitesTomato_Spider_mites_SpotInfected_Tomato_Target_SpotTomato_Target_SpotInfected_Tomato_Curl_VirusTomato_Curl_Virus_SpotInfected_Tomato_mosaic_virusTomato_mosaic_virus_SpotInfected_Tomato_Leaf_MoldTomato_Leaf_Mold_SpotInfected_Tomato_Bacterial_spotTomato_Bacterial_spotInfected_Tomato_Early_blightTomato_Early_blight_SpotInfected_Tomato_Late_blightTomato_Late_blight_SpotCorn_healthyInfected_Corn_Common_rustCorn_Common_rust_SpotInfected_Corn_Gray_leafCorn_Gray_leaf_SpotInfected_Corn_Northern_BlightCorn_Northern_Blight_SpotB . It can recognise following 38 type of plan leaf diseases 1 apple scab2 apple black rot3 apple cedar rust4 apple healthy5 blueberry healthy6 cherry healthy7 cherry powdery mildew8 corn common rust9 corn healthy10 corn gray leaf spot11 corn northern leaf blight12 grape black measles13 grape black rot14 grape healthy15 grape leaf blight16 orange citrus greening17 peach bacterial spot18 peach healthy19 pepperbell bacterial spot20 pepperbell healthy21 potato early blight22 potato healthy23 potato late blight24 raspberry healthy25 soybean healthy26 squash powdery mildew27 strawberry healthy28 strawberry leaf scorch29 tomato bacterial spot30 tomato early blight31 tomato healthy32 tomato late blight33 tomato leaf mold34 tomato mosaic virus35 tomato septoria leaf spot36 tomato spider mites37 tomato target spot38 tomato yellow leaf curl virusA. It can detect following 251 healthy leafs using model.Quercus_suber, Tilia_tomentosa, cryptomeria_japonica, diospyros_virginiana, eucommia_ulmoidesevodia_daniellii, fagus_grandifolia, ficus_carica, fraxinus_americana, fraxinus_nigra, fraxinus_pennsylvanicaginkgo_biloba, Acer_palmaturu and like More